Xangle Research
Sep 08, 2023

Xangle’s Top 3 Blockchain Keywords for H1 2023

H1 2023 saw the emergence of traditional companies entering the Web3 space, starting with STOs. Meanwhile, platform companies have been strengthening their infrastructure, and significant projects aimed at improving blockchain scalability have garnered substantial attention. Modular stack technology and key players are at the forefront of discussions. Furthermore, the enthusiasm for Web3 has grown even stronger due to the efforts of domestic major gaming companies seeking new growth engines and Japan's relaxing regulations.

🔍 Xangle’s Blockchain Keywords for H1 2023

1️⃣ Blockchain Adoption

Road to Rich: SK Planet's Rewards Program Meets NFTs
: SK Group’s first-ever blockchain project UPTN and its goals

LINE LINK (LN) Ushers in the New Era of Zero Reserves
: Bold zero reserves policy and rebranding strategy of Finschia (FNSA)

2️⃣ Modular Stack

Shared Sequencing Network: A Middleware Blockchain for Decentralizing Rollups
: Single sequencer, shared sequencer networks, and major related projects

EigenLayer: An Open Marketplace for Decentralized Trust
: The emergence of EigenLayer and its potential impact on the Ethereum network

3️⃣ Gaming in Asia

Asia Blockchain Gaming Deepdive
: Blockchain game developments and strategies by Asian Web2 gaming companies

 Is Oasys the Oasis for Japanese Gaming Giants?
: Chosen by leading Japanese game makers, Oasys’s successes and challenges

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