[Exclusive Interview with the Sandbox] The last LAND pre-sale is coming! How much will the latest addition be worth?



According to Sebastian Borget, COO of Sandbox, total value of the Sandbox Metaverse was 25 million dollars on October 15th. 

The last LAND pre-sale is on November 12th, 2020 at 1PM GMT. This means that the amount of LAND that players can buy to build experiences on top of continues to grow. 

Following the sale, the public beta version will be launched in December. 

Watch this video before you make an investment decision or participate in the Sandbox game ecosystem to fully understand what Sandbox is all about! 


For more information about the Sandbox : https://xangle.io/project/SAND/recent...

Xangle Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu1-oBOM-DzJ89o02Bx3XYw


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