[Xangle Insight] Litecoin’s Network Freshness Index at 50%+… could this be related to BSV's recent bull run?

Jan 16, 2020






According to disclosure platform Xangle, Litecoin’s Network Freshness Index hit 56.24% on January 15, 2020. Network Freshness is an indicator of the proportion of newly created wallets among active wallets in a given period. Litecoin had 288,454 active wallets and 162,219 newly created wallets in the past 7 days.


Ethereum’s Network Freshness at the time was 38.04%, suggesting that Litecoin, founded in 2011 to be one of the oldest tokens in the market, is still high in demand. However, Xangle also points out that Ethereum is still the bigger network, and that Ethereum still had more active addresses and newsly created addresses: at 2,005,307 and 762,794 addresses respectively.

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