Crazy Defense Heroes: Tower Defense P2E Game

Mar 16, 2022

[Xangle Digest]
Written by MoonBit




  • Crazy Defense Heroes ranks third with more than 130,000 daily users.
  • If content development continues based on a large number of users, its strong performance is highly anticipated going forward.



[Animoca Brands’ investment portfolio, Resource: Animoca Brands]

Animoca Brands is a Game-related venture capital operating Sandbox, REVV racing and Arc8. Animoca Brands is an early investor in Axie Infinity and is also known as venture capital specializing in blockchain games and metaverse.


[Source: Animoca Brands]

Crazy Defense Heroes (CDH) is Animoca Brands' blockchain game and is one of the P2E games with the largest number of users backed by the advantage of being able to play on mobile devices. It is a tower defense game where users can get rewards by fending off monsters surrounding their location.



[The amount of monthly users and transactions, Source: Footprint Analytics]

CDH Heroes is a tower defense game released in 2018. It has been in the spotlight as a P2E game that can be played without initial investment. Currently, the number of downloads is a total of more than 2 million on both Android and IOS. While some P2E games only support gameplay on the web, CDH provides great accessibility with its mobile version. As of Mar 6, the number of daily active users is more than 130,000, ranking third among all P2E games.


[Crazy Defense Heroes Reward Pool, Source: Medium]

CDH sets up a separate reward pool periodically, and users get TWD tokens by getting XPs from the reward pool. In addition, gameplay is rewarded with a Star Chest. Currently, rewards available for each month through Star Chest are 4 TOWER Map NFTs and 406 TOWER tokens.



[Crazy King's in-game screen, Source: Youtube]

$TOWER is a token that’s used in Animoca Brands' tower defense game. It is used for DeFi, governance participation, NFT card upgrade, and TOWER Chest purchase, and is also currently distributed by Crazy Kings released in Mar 2021.


With a steady stream of P2E games being launched, the sustainability of their service in the future hinges significantly on not only the game elements but also their token In this respect, tower defense games have already proved to the mobile gaming market that. Continuous content development will allow CDH to come up with an edge so it can set its games apart from competitors’.


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