Digital Asset Research Series: What If Bitcoin Were Digital Gold?

Feb 23, 2021

Digital Asset Research Series: What If Bitcoin Were Digital Gold?

Download the Full Report Here.

Purposes of Digital Market Series Reports

The price of Bitcoin continued to rise in 4Q of 2020.

Even after our first report in this series, “2021 Bitcoin Market Evolution,” that was published in January, the price of Bitcoin rose past $50,000.

One underlying reason behind the rise in Bitcoin price is the view that Bitcoin is digital gold. There is an increasing interest in Bitcoin to replace the store-of-value use case of gold, and many on Wall Street now lead the demand for Bitcoin to serve as a hedge against inflation

Therefore, does Bitcoin have the potential to become digital gold? Will the performance of an investment portfolio improve if Bitcoin is included? How can we evaluate the future value of Bitcoin?

Hanwha Asset Management and Xangle have prepared a second Bitcoin report to find the answers to the above questions. This report focuses on 1) changes in investors’ thoughts on Bitcoin, 2) performance trends when Bitcoin is incorporated into the actual portfolio, and 3) the valuation of Bitcoin when investments continue to increase.

We hope this second Bitcoin report will help you deal with the question of whether Bitcoin should be included in your portfolio or not.

KP Jang

Xangle Analyst


Table of Contents

1. The Power of Bitcoin

2. Bitcoin Attracting Institutional Investors

3. Bitcoin Portfolio Performance Analysis

4. Potential Value of Digital Gold



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