Digital Asset Research Series: 2021 Bitcoin Market Evolution

Feb 10, 2021

Hanwha Asset Management and Xangle Present the Digital Asset Research Series

To view the full 33-page report, click here.

Purposes of Digital Market Series Reports

The price of Bitcoin took off favorably in the new year of 2021, surpassing $40,000. The period from the preceding December to January saw Bitcoin test a new ATH for the first time since the collapse of the Crypto Bubble in 2018 - that monumental period in the virtual assets industry. The recent rise in Bitcoin is significant because it has been led by institutional investors in the U.S., not retail investors.

So why did U.S. institutional investors suddenly start investing in Bitcoin? How could Bitcoin reappear in the world financial market, despite the historical crash in 2018?

Hanwha Asset Management and Xangle started joint research to find the answer to these questions by looking at Bitcoin from various perspectives.

Through the Bitcoin Report Series, we would like to comprehensively explore how the Bitcoin market is changing in 2021, why prominent U.S. Wall Street investors have started investing in Bitcoin, and why leading global companies are entering virtual asset-related businesses.

This first report in the series focuses on how the Bitcoin market has already changed in 2021 from previous years. We hope this report helps you understand emerging technologies and investment tools of blockchain and Bitcoin in the ever-evolving digital assets markets.

Xangle Analyst  KP Jang


Table of Contents:

The History of Bitcoin: Chart Overview

The Gradual Growth of Bitcoin

Driving Forces Behind Bitcoin Adoption

a. Forming Institutional Frameworks

b. Infrastructure for Institutional Investors

Entrance of Institutional Investors

Digital Assets Industry in 2021

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