Intro to Investor Relations Management (IRM)

Jan 06, 2021

In the relatively young blockchain industry, new projects are launched regularly around the world. The unprecedented speed at which blockchain projects and companies are being created implies that anyone can start business with good ideas and innovative technologies. 


Despite it all, the costs of communicating with investors present a greater burden to daily business operations than most young companies, let alone crypto asset companies realize. Product promotion often requires a great deal of additional resources in order to increase a business’s competitiveness in busy, burgeoning markets.

These are the 6 most common areas that crypto projects need to invest in highly to maintain good IR.

  • Promoting project information - an essential step for early businesses
  • Targeting various geographic markets in their respective languages
  • Communicating with token holders through social media around the clock
  • Communicating with high-value stake holders of the company
  • Acquiring additional funding and new investments for future developments
  • Communicating with various institutions, such as exchanges for token listing 


This upcoming series will feature insights on how your company can benefit from greater IRM. Chief among those concerns will be efficiency. We will also demonstrate how the Xangle platform can ultimately help you achieve your project's IRM goals. Happy reading!



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