[Xangle Research] Crypto Asset Market: Russia in 2020

Aug 18, 2020

Click here for Russia Crypto Asset Market report

Russia is one of the key markets for crypto


Thank you for accessing/reading our report. This is report follows our previous reports on the Japanese Crypto Markets: please find them on Xangle.io if you have not done so already.


This industry has come a long way since the ICO Boom of 2017.

Countries, governments, and incumbent industries are now taking blockchain more seriously.

New regulations & policies are drafted every month, and lots of studies are under way (CDBCs too).


We know that all eyes have been on DeFi lately, but we are going to take a step back from this mania to check on the progress of one of the biggest crypto markets: Russia.

Unfortunately, despite high expectations, information on Russian market conditions are not very easy to find. There is a general understanding that mining/trading is very active in the CIS regions, but not much else is known about its climate (crypto).


We hope that this report helps shed a little more light in understanding what is happening in Russia. For more information, feedback, or questions, please email research@Xangle.io.


Click here for Russia Crypto Asset Market report

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