[Xangle Briefing] “Parasite” Production company Barunson- blockchain based social media Hiblocks formed a consortium to create investment platform

Feb 14, 2020

[Xangle Briefing] “Parasite” Production company Barunson- blockchain based social media Hiblocks formed a consortium to create investment platform




According to crypto disclosure platform Xangle, Hiblocks blockchain social media company and 4 times Oscar winning production company Barunson for the movie “Parasite” have formed a consortium with plans to create a movie & culture investment platform. The platform will allow users to read complete movie scripts and invest directly to their favorite film.

Hiblocks announced that “The platform will also feature exclusive content from upcoming movies and will be a destination for entertainment and pop culture.”

Hiblocks is a blockchain-based social media curation platform that reward users through tokenization for community engagement. Barunson combines next-generation technology to provide a new experience for games and movie contents.

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