[Xangle Briefing] Klaytn discloses its new partnership with Huobi - Huobi joins Klaytn's governance council

Feb 10, 2020

- Huobi supports users from 130+ countries.

- Klaytn is said to have the cheapest transaction fee and second-fastest block time, which is expected to contribute to faster adoption.




Klaytn, Kakao’s blockchain platform, announced its partnership with Huobi Global in Xangle, the crypto disclosure platform. Huobi Global will participate in node operations, serving as a “key decision maker for Klaytn’s business and technical agenda.” Huobi joins the ‘Klaytn Governance Council,’ a partner organization that runs the network. Huobi further stated that they will “review and apply Klaytn’s technology to the existing Huobi services.” The partnership is expected to bolster Klaytn’s prospects of a faster adoption further.

Klaytn’s on-chain statistics can be found on Xangle. Their average transaction fee of $0.00005 USD is the lowest amongst its peer group, which means reduced costs for projects. Relatively, BTC’s transaction fee was $0.7527 USD, ETH $0.1563 USD, BCH $0.0115 USD, LTC $0.0301 USD, BSV $0.0009 USD, and TTC $0.0001 USD.

IOST had the fastest block time at 0.52s, but Klaytns showed competitiveness at 1s. TTC was at 3.11s, Ethereum 13.28s, BSV 594.41s, Bitcoin 595.08s, and BCH 603.69s.

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