[Xangle Briefing] IOST distributes contribution rewards to node operators and token holders... on-chain trading volume increases by 36%

Jan 23, 2020


[Xangle Briefing] IOST distributes contribution rewards to node operators and token holders... on-chain trading volume increases by 36%


- Similar to a traditional stock market dividend



IOST disclosed through Xangle that it has started distributing Contribution Rewards to node operaters and token holders for their activities from Q4 last year. 

Although similar to stock dividends, instead of receiving dividends in proportion to the number of shares held, IOST rewards more tokens for contributions to node operations. The community holds regular token holder votes to decide who contributed the most to the IOST mainnet, and the reward is distributed from the IOST Ecosystem Reward Pool that is maintained by the foundation.

According to Xangle, IOST’s total token supply is 21.5 billion, 1% of which will be used for reward distributions for 2019 (approx 2.1 billion tokens). The Q4 reward amount has not been confirmed yet, but it is estimated to be similar to the 52 million and 53 million token payouts of Q2 and Q3 last year.

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