Jun 17, 2020

Xangle Research 

<Crypto Asset Market, Japan in 2020 : Regulation & Policies>


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- Japan revised its financial regulations to include Crypto

- A major hacking incident put the regulators to work

- Every market player is regulated, one way or another

- FSA regulates extensively, both before & after registration


- Exchange Regulation

: Registrations & Major Events (Timeline)


- Project Regulation  

: Separate project evaluations by the exchange, the JVCEA, and/or the FSA


- Investor-related Regulations

: Higher tax on crypto asset gains vs stock gains

: Much higher compared to other countries

: Losses from crypto assets does not deduct from taxable capital gains (unfavorable)


- New Listings so far in 2020


: An interview with Qtum and Coincheck (appendix)


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