Research Analyst/
Mar 07, 2023
Translated by elcreto

Top NFT Floor Price


Market News

Yuga Labs to Debut TwelveFold Collection - Link

  • Yuga Labs is set to launch “TwelveFold,” its first Bitcoin-inscribed NFT collection.
  • TwelveFold is a collection comprised of 300 generative art ordinals. It is expected to bear similarities to Larva Labs’ Autoglyphs (FP: ~250ETH).
  • The meteoric rise of the Bitcoin NFT market has provided the biggest boon to Stacks (STX).

Bellygom Nails Down Polygon Migration

  • Polygon has announced a partnership with Daehong Communications, one of the Lotte Group companies responsible for the group’s NFT projects.
  • The Season 2 roadmap and migration to Polygon for Lotte Homeshopping’s own character Bellygom were outlined during a party for the holders of the NFTs at Lotte World.
  • While a finalized schedule has yet to be made available, Bellygom holders are promised an introduction of a variety of activities and new participation rewards matrix.


Most Hyped

Owls - Opensea

  • FP: 0.365 ETH
  • “Owls” is an NFT collection of 10,000 owls drawn with ASCII characters.
  • Released on March 4, 2023, the floor price of the collection has gone parabolic, zooming as much as 9,260% from 0.0039ETH to 0.365ETH.


On-chain Analysis

Total Trades (W/W Changes)

  • Total volume of NFTs traded: -16.3% WoW
  • Total value of NFTs traded: -9.3% WoW


Top 10 Projects (By 7D Trading Volume)


7D Trading Volume by Segment (Based on Ethereum)

  • PFP has widened its grip even further, taking up 59.5% in the NFT market. Utility and collectible NFTs came in second and third respectively, with each making up 13.5% and 9.4%.


7D Trading Volume by Blockchain

  • Ethereum’s market share has inched lower to 83.3% from 85.5% over the week, contracting 2.2%.



Previous NFT Weekly Reports



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