Research Analyst/
Feb 07, 2023
Translated by elcreto

Top NFT Floor Price

  • MetaKongz’s FP has ripped higher since Jan 31 after disputes over the control of the company was brought to a conclusion.


Most Hyped

Checks - VV Edition

  • FP: 2ETH (vs Mint Price: $8) – Link to OpenSea
  • Checks - VV Edition is a project NFT artist Jack Butcher released on Jan 4, 2023, as part of a commentary on Elon Musk’s introduction of blue checkmark policy.
  • Checks’ burn mechanism allows users to combine and burn NFTs in Tier 1, the lowest tier, and upgrade the tokens to higher tiers.
  • The collections range from Tier 1 (featuring 80 check marks) to Tier 8 (featuring a single black check mark).
Source: @jackbutcher


On-chain Analysis

Total Trades (WoW Changes)

  • Total volume of NFTs traded: +2.8% WoW
  • Total value of NFTs traded: -25.9% WoW


Top 10 Projects (By 7D Trading Volume)


7D Trading Volume by Segment (Based on Ethereum)

  • PFP (50.0%), utility (13.1%), and art (12.2%) came in as last week’s most traded NFT segments.


NFT Trading Volume by Blockchain

  • Ethereum’s market share based on trades over the past 7 days has climbed again to 82.6% from previous week’s 80.6%.



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